Once dulled, the blade becomes useless, requiring multiple blades and large amounts of time. Remains found in New Castle identified as man reported missing in 2013, 3 people dead after 2 separate shootings in McKeesport; scenes not connected, police say, Piloted by North Allegheny grad, SpaceX launches to International Space Station, Man facing charges after police chase on busy Ambridge road, Man found dead in courtyard after shooting in Arlington Heights, Alabama man fatally mauled by pack of dogs, coroner says. A good security device will be designed to suit a specific vehicle, made from material that cant be easily cut through and cant be easily bypassed or removed. The blade can't grip the steel cables properly because they create a moving target. There are a couple of reasons why people steal catalytic converters. Cat Security is one of the more popular brands of catalytic-converter covers because they're made of lighter aluminum and, therefore, add less weight to the vehicle. But they also said that a thief could easily cut it off, and it wasnt loud enough to get anyones attention. Designed to deter the issue of catalytic converter from your car. And it's easy to install. Have you ever stood outside or sat in your car at a stoplight, only to see a Toyota Prius casually drive by, followed by a deafening roar? By combining these two devices, you give yourself ultimate protection against theft. Donut Media put some of these devices to the test! The CatClamp was developed through a coordinated effort among engineers, metalworking professionals, and large fleet managers. WebGeico anti theft device categories. Toyota Tundra Catalytic Converter Anti Theft Shields. Texas 3. The Cateye works by using a specialized motion sensor that detects motion under your car. It took the thieves less than 2 minutes to steal it! I am looking for cat shield for my 2022 Lexus RX 450h, What shield do you recommend for a 2017 Mazda CX-5, I have a 2002 Lexus and have 3 convertors is there a shield for my car, What is a good anti theft device for my2016 santafe sport cat converter. It is a security device with a series of cables that prevent your catalytic converter from being removed. According to State Farm claims data, catalytic converter theft increased by almost 300% from 2020 to 2021. Ultimately, a cat shield is the best product to use. There are many anti-theft devices for catalytic converters on the market. People Also Searches what is the best catalytic converter anti theft device, 3 Ways To Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft Video Answer, catalytic converter anti theft device tacoma, catalytic converter theft deterrent system, how to protect catalytic converter from theft, What does a catalytic converter do on a car, What is the function of catalytic converter, Would you know if your catalytic converter is bad, Would there be a problem removing catalytic converter, Would the fuel injectors cause the catalytic converter to fail, Would the catalytic converter make 2002 buick regal hesitates, Would replacing my catalytic converter also fix my faulty transmission. No, someone didnt stuff a big block V8 engine under the hood, but rather the catalytic converter has likely been removed from the vehicle due to theft. A long time customer with a large fleet of vehicles approached the company about solving the problem of catalytic converter theft on their fleet. Open cage design allows heat to dissipate normally from the converter. However, its not cheap and costs around $200. Pittsburgh police are taking this uptick very seriously. However, quality and longevity may not always equal that of the factory converter. Why Would Someone Steal My Cars Catalytic Converter? However, there are a number of anti-theft devices in the market designed to keep a cars catalytic safely intact. Target 11: Catalytic converter theft goes out of control in Pittsburgh. Lastly, Viper systems come backed by a limited lifetime warranty and a 60-day satisfaction guarantee. In smaller cars, excess material can cause a problem as it has to be safely stored somewhere out of the way of moving parts the cables cant be trimmed to suit. For Prius owners and other heavily-targeted vehicle owners, always check to make sure that your insurance policy covers catalytic converter theft. The first thing you should do if you discover the theft is to file a police report with the local authorities. COMPLETE BOLT-ON PRIUS GEN 3/PRIUS V/LEXUS CT200H NOW AVAILABLE! This exhaust emission control device contains precious metals, and a crook can earn as much as $250 for a couple of minutes of work with a reciprocating saw. For the best catalytic converter theft protection, the NAPA experts recommend installing the CatClamp Catalytic Converter Lock. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, its estimated that catalytic converter theft rates have increased by 326% in 2020 and another 353% in 2021. No wiring work required that can impact your vehicle's electric system. Rhodium, for example, sells for thousands of dollars per ounce. It's exclusive, award-winning, patented cable cage design surrounds the catalytic converter with aircraft-grade wire rope that is very difficult to cut, even with power tools. If those are too pricey, Detective Pasquarelli offered some other tips. Okay, if this device works it might just be When activated, it requires virtually no energy - no worries about draining your battery - even after months of no activity. Additionally, a good system will include a 2-way remote that sends you direct alerts anytime someone approaches your vehicle. More than 270 converters were ripped off of car owners and their cars. This makes the part identifiable to law enforcement. Sadly, the answer is yes. While not perfect, they are a significant contributor to better air quality in urban areas. Whether youve been directly affected by catalytic converter theft, you have more than likely seen the aftermath. At around $300, it was expensive. Everybody wants the valuable metals inside of this, said Virgil Richmond, the facilities manager at Michael Brothers Recycling. Other ways to tell if your catalytic converter has been stolen include: Increased exhaust fumes (or odd exhaust smell), Uneven acceleration due to lack of exhaust regulation, depending on the vehicle, but aside from the cost of replacing the actual converter itself, you also have to tack on labor costs and replacement of any parts that were damaged while the thief was trying to get your catalytic converter., The average cost to replace a catalytic converter ranges from about, Find insurance savings it's 100% free, Compare Free Quotes (& Save Hundreds per Year! Thieves are targeting catalytic converters in greater numbers than ever. Another issue with catalytic converter theft is the cost of replacement for the vehicle owner. All in all, Viper is the first place to look if you want a reliable car alarm system with all of the bells & whistles. WebThe cost to replace and install a new catalytic converter can be as much as $3,000. Types of vehicles that may run a higher risk of catalytic converter theft, How to prevent your catalytic converter from being stolen. To cut through the confusion and help you decide which security device is right for your vehicle, weve reviewed the most common types. When installed according to instructions, the thief must successfully cut through the strap not once, but twice, with 4 layers of dissimilar metals. WebAnti-theft device foils catalytic converter theft in south St. Louis County 8,265 views Sep 22, 2021 Josh Sensmeyer is the owner of BGM Automotive in Arnold. Depending on your car, its best to opt for professional installation to ensure you install the proper sensors to keep thieves at bay. When complimented with the Catstrap, which lengthens what is normally a 45 second operation into an extremely time consuming effort, there is no possible way a human body can endure the siren long enough to complet.e the task of removing your catalytic converter. No custom tools are needed for installation. Although cost-effective the largest problem with anti-theft stickers is they need to be displayed in a very prominent area and even then, catalytic converter thieves working underneath a vehicle may not even look for or notice them. In Pittsburgh, just 16 converters were reported stolen in 2020. Although they can vary in size and shape, most are about the size of a loaf of bread and are, located in the exhaust system between the engine and the muffler, Because catalytic converters require heat to operate, they must be as close to the engine as possible., Catalytic converters are an important part of any gas, diesel, and hybrid vehicles emissions systems, but theyre also a major target for theft. Here are the top 10 cars most likely to have their catalytic converters stolen in the U.S.:. The user-friendly LCD remote allows you to easily set up your alerts and keep tabs on your vehicle at all times. Since their widespread adoption in the 1970s, catalytic converters are emissions devices used on gasoline engines to convert toxic exhaust pollutants into less harmful emissions. A factory replacement catalytic converter can easily cost $1,500 or more to replace, and thats assuming the thieves didnt cause any other damage to the vehicle during the removal process. We use our extensive knowledge of converters and in-house manufacturing and design to build the best catalytic converter protection devices. Better bring multiple blades, because one won't last! All in all, when shopping for the best car alarm for catalytic converter theft, stick with one of the systems mentioned in this article or with the manufacturers. With a high dB alarm and alerts, you give yourself a much greater chance of protecting your investment. Always keep in mind that any car alarm is a deterrent. Why Are Catalytic Converters Stolen? The base package includes Vipers Stinger DoubleGuard Shock Sensor, which has the ability to detect both light and heavy impact. When choosing a car alarm to prevent catalytic converter theft, there are several routes to take. Contact Your Insurance Company Depending on your coverage, your car insurance may cover your catalytic converter replacement. But it could take a thief to double the time to steal your cars catalytic converter, which is a good thing. The best possible option! Many unscrupulous thieves nationwide continue to steal catalytic converters from cars in order to make big bucks from the precious metals theyre made of. You can easily find a locking device online that ranges anywhere from around, Some shops may even custom-weld a device specific to your car, but keep in mind that directly attaching your catalytic converter to the vehicles frame can be noisy since the exhaust system is usually suspended from the car., Some experts recommend investing in a high-temperature (1,300 to 2,000 degrees F) automotive exhaust paint in a fluorescent color and spraying the converter. Examples include placing cats in less accessible locations, like the engine compartment, or integrating them into other engine components such as manifolds. CAT-SCR-CRV-3 . Catalytic converters are expensive to replace, and no one wants to deal with thousands of dollars in unexpected costs out of pocket. I had my catalytic converter stolen right in our driveway about a year ago. The car with 4 doors still has a lot to offer and more. This means theyre, common target for people looking to make a quick buck, But apart from being valuable, catalytic converters are. In turn, hybrid vehicles generally come equipped with higher-quality catalytic converters, meaning they contain more valuable precious metals. However, it was tricky to install, costs $200, and its not very stealthy, which is good. Keep in mind that an alarm is only part of an anti-theft system. However, for owners of trucks and SUVs, the addition of a motion sensor is advisable to prevent catalytic converter theft. only pays out other drivers injuries and repair bills after an accident you causeit does nothing to protect you or your vehicle. The CatClamp is the patented original converter lock, and it has proven to be 99.9% effective for over ten years all around the world. Anti-theft catalytic converter stickers affix to a car window warning that the catalytic converter is fitted with a security device. As the bolts are tightened, the clamps tighten down equally on the exhaust pipe and cable. #1) Viper 5906V Responder HD. Please check out a review of catalytic converter security devices here. The printed warning may indicate the fitment of a GPS tracker, engraved part, or other theft deterrent system. Viper is one of the leaders in the car alarm space, and the Responder HD is one of Vipers most advanced car alarm systems. Catalytic converters can cost more than $2,000 and can be stolen in less than two minutes. More than 270 converters were ripped off of car owners and their cars. Because no matter how many precautions you take, theres always the chance of theft occurring. When installed together with a Viper system, youll also be able to receive alerts to your remote when the motion sensor detects motion. While such a blade can cut through one cable at a time, the same blade is useless when faced with cutting through three parallel aircraft-grade. .css-1aqli77{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:redDark;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:#fff;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;display:inline-block;background-color:#000000;font-family:Paralucent,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:0.75rem;line-height:1;letter-spacing:0.2rem;padding:0.625rem 0.9375rem;text-transform:uppercase;width:auto;}.css-1aqli77:hover{color:#fff;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;background-color:#cb1418;opacity:1;}.css-1aqli77:focus-visible{outline-color:body-cta-btn-link-focus;}Watching a Catalytic Converter in Action Is Absolutely Mesmerizing. The stolen car parts can cost about $1,500 each to replace. Lastly, this Prestige system does come backed by a limited lifetime warranty for added peace of mind. Ask your mechanic if driving your specific vehicle without a catalytic converter is a safe option or if it will further damage it. And if they can do it for this truck, more models should be on the horizon. The first product they tried was the Fast Guard Catalytic Converter alarm, which was easy to install. If youre not a fan of Viper alarm systems, then a worthy alternative is Compustar. It includes a remote control fob so that you can disable it. like when you need to go in for service, oil change. In most cases the mere sight of the Catstrap, with its Bright Orange surface and the yellow warning label results in the best possible result, they "Just Go Away". WebCatalytic converter theft is on the rise in many parts of the country. The strip steel is as hard as band saw blade material, causing the blade to overheat and dull. The Cateye automatically turnson and off when engine turns off and on by sensing voltage at your battery. As we said above, unless you're a Prius owner most cat shields won't work for your vehicle. The most effective solution to catalytic converter theft. But experts told Earle there are some things you can do to protect your converter. under the car, on the rear of the firewall, Automatically Activates when engine turns off, Extra loud, multi-pitch 130 dB Sound Barrier, "Sees" between 1-20 feet in all directions, Includes Free US Shipping and Money-Back Guarantee, Additional shipping charges for International Orders, 2022 CatStrap Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention. In reality, the Donut Media guys were able to cut through the strap and only added around a minute and 15 seconds to the base time. A motion sensor will catch thieves who dont need to use a jack. Why are people stealing catalytic converter? All gas and diesel-powered vehicle have a catalytic converter, but theyre not all created equal. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. With CatSecur, you can now have peace of mind knowing that your car is safe With CatSecur, you can now have peace of mind knowing that your car is safe and secure from theft. We may earn money from the links on this page. ). Simply put, it is not safe to drive with a bad catalytic converter. It is not safe for the environment as well as for the vehicle. When combustion occurs in the combustion chamber, the temperature reaches up to 2,500 degrees. The exhaust gases together with the heat are released into the manifold and then into the catalytic converter. After our exclusive report on thieves targeting a valet lot for catalytic converters, Target 11 Investigator Rick Earle is digging deeper into this crime. If you dont have that we wont accept them, said Richmond. How is car insurance determined by insurance companies? Depending on the target, they dont even need a jack to raise the Of course, a determined thief will just remove the guard to get to the cat, but remembercatalytic converter thieves exist because cats are easy and fast to steal. The thief leaves without your catalytic converter in hand - saving you thousands! protect against catalytic converter theft, Can be difficult to install a lift and multiple people are recommended for ease of installation, Cables can rub together to make a rattling noise when the car is driven, May have to modify it to fit some vehicles, Looks messy if the car is viewed from underneath, May be able to be cut through with an angle grinder (but will likely stop a Sawzall), Multiple kits will be needed if your vehicle has more than one catalytic converter, If the cables become loose they could potentially catch on debris, damaging the underside of the vehicle, Some have to be manually armed and disarmed, Not waterproof and computer components can be sensitive to moisture, Potential for false alarms and could be set off by animals, Motion sensors may need wiping/cleaning regularly to avoid degradation, Can be attached anywhere and to any vehicle, Thieves can potentially not look for them, Offers no physical security system to prevent catalytic converter theft, The best catalytic converter security system for your vehicle, Can be fitted with optional extras like tamper-proof screws for even greater security, Can be easily removed with the supplied security key, Not all catalytic converter shields offer the same level of protection. But if you have, auto insurance policy will likely cover a stolen catalytic converter, , plus the cost to repair any related damage from its removal., Remember that youll have to pay your deductible though, so if you own or lease a vehicle at high risk for catalytic converter theft, you may want to consider reducing your. And if you dont have access to a secured parking facility, your next best option is to, install a camera or other security device to help deter thieves, . But the extra security can come with a higher price tag due to increased engineering and manufacturing costs. WebIntroducing CatSecur - the ultimate anti-theft device that protects your catalytic converter and your car. Lets look at what a catalytic converter is, why theyre prone to theft, which cars are popular targets, and how you can prevent yours from being stolen. Steel Shields are Is catalytic converter theft on the rise? For Prius owners, this sensor will surely detect a jack. What a difference a year makes: A look at used car prices over the last year. Theyre usually worth more than gold. This device is affordable, reliable, and virtually guaranteed to thwart would-be criminals. More than 270 converters were ripped off of car owners and their cars. With the dual-stage shock & impact sensor, youll always be one step ahead of thieves. By now youre probably wondering if your catalytic converter is at risk of being stolen. The CatClamp has proven itself to be a superior product and sets the benchmark for catalytic converter security. For full-sized pickups, there may not be enough material to protect a catalytic converter entirely. CatClamp Catalytic Converter Lock. With so many targets and low-hanging fruit available, the last thing a criminal wants to do is spend hours with specialized tools making a racket trying to remove a shield. Thefts of catalytic converters continue to climb at an alarming rate, and the pandemic and its resulting economic issues have made their resale value rise .css-1l6ek1u{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:redDark;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:#cb1418;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-1l6ek1u:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}even further. There are a few commercially available options for the 2nd Gen 2007-2021 Toyota Tundra 2008-2021 Sequoia, and the new 3rd Gen 2022-2023 Tundra. 304 stainless steel and aluminum is also resistant to oxidation for corrosion resistance which is important given a cat shield sits underneath a vehicle and is regularly exposed to road grime, rain, and snow. But as we all know now, it is as anyone whos been a victim of catalytic converter theft. One cool feature that smart device fans will enjoy is the ability to use app control via your smartphone. The Cat Strap was also easy to install, and its stealthy. WebCatalytic Converter Alarm | Best Anti Theft Protection Fast Guard Alarms Home Catalytic Converter Alarm (1 PACK) Catalytic Converter Alarm (1 PACK) 80 reviews $52.00 | $46.00 Shipping calculated at checkout. Multi-Purpose Alarm. It verifies the threat and only then does it activate the alarm. All Rights Reserved. The underbody strap or wire security system is a series of steel cables that enshroud a catalytic converter in a cocoon of stainless steel wires. North Carolina 5. Thankfully, in recent years, automakers have caught on to this trend and made converter theft more difficult. It's your call, but if we had a Prius, we'd definitely give a shield a shot. For one, it contains valuable metals. REAL CUSTOMER SERVICEFeel free to call, email or text us for any help! In order to adequately test the products, they first simulated stealing a catalytic converter, which took a minute and a half. We advise that you go through their website and familiarize , The catalytic converter is an exhaust system part thats necessary for your car to pass safety and emissions inspections in many states. As a result, this allows unsilenced, raw exhaust gases to escape from the engine. Racewill Catalytic Converter Anti-Theft Device This waterproof alarm system has an adjustable volume that blasts up to 113 dB. It's "universal" because it hangs loosely via metal hose clamps to the exhaust under the car, so, theoretically, it should fit nearly any car or truck. $399.00 . We didnt get any refund back from it, but its still satisfying knowing that the person was caught, said Mongiovi. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, its estimated that catalytic converter theft rates have increased Investigators said they suspect that stolen catalytic converts re sold to chop shops or on the black market for approximately $200 each. While converter theft can happen to anyone, some vehicles are targeted more closely by thieves. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. How to Protect Your Catalytic Converter from Theft, Watching a Catalytic Converter in Action Is Absolutely Mesmerizing, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. While products like the Cat Do mechanics steal catalytic converters? When installed according to instructions, the thief must successfully cut through the strap not once, but twice, with 4 layers of dissimilar metals. The base package includes Vipers Stinger DoubleGuard Shock WebEffective and affordable catalytic converter alarm. Catalytic converter theft is no joke, just ask these people. The best anti-theft protection for cars, trucks, Toyota Prius, Honda, vans, commercial vehicles. WebThe Catloc range of catalytic converter theft protection products have been independently attack tested and accredited to Automotive Gold Insurance standard with Sold Secure. Members save $872/year. Her first car was a Mazda 3 Sport GT. As weve mentioned, a catalytic converter uses metals such as rhodium, platinum and palladium to neutralize toxic gases, and those metals are rare and valuable. Thieves are more than aware of the antitheftboss.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com, Subscribe for news & resources about 2023 security innovations, Top 5 Car Alarms to Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft, Best Alarms for Catalytic Converter Theft Reviewed, #2) Compustar CS7900-AS All-in-One 2-Way Remote Start + Alarm Bundle, #3) Prestige APS997Z Two-Way LCD Confirming Remote Start & Alarm, #4) Wsdcam Wireless Anti-Theft Bicycle Motorcycle Alarm, #5) Directed Electronics 508D Install Essentials Dual Zone Motion Sensor. Reviewed the most common types joke, just 16 converters were reported stolen in less accessible locations like. 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